Known Issues
A list of commonly reported or critical issues and their current status.

Important Note: This is not a full list of all known issues in Shop Titans. This list prioritizes commonly reported, critical or currently relevant issues. For official help with issues, please contact our support team using the in-game "Contact Us" button found in the Settings menu or our support site.

Last Updated: April 24th, 2024

Important Notices

Regarding Event Placement Rewards

You must log in before the start of the next major guild/solo event (King's Caprice, Tower of Titans, Dragon Invasion, Lost City of Gold) to claim your event placement rewards (titles, badges, etc) otherwise your opportunity will be lost.

This is an unfortunate limitation at the moment that we hope to improve upon in the future. Please share this information with your fellow guildmates and players.

Known Issues

Market Request cannot be fulfilled or process forever

  • Status: While we work on resolving an issue with the Market, we have intentionally disabled the ability to fulfill Market requests.

Some menus will improperly render

  • Status: This issue is being investigated.

  • Description: Some menus such as item details or player profiles will sometimes partially render or appear blurred.

  • Workaround: Switch your display mode from portrait to landscape or vice versa.