Version 12.0.1 Release Notes

Minor Changes

  • Reduced the possible quantity of Repair Kits awarded in the Troublin Blacksmith Flash Quest.

  • Components awarded in the Gold Golem Flash Quest can now overflow, ignoring your maximum component stack size.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed various Flash Quest bugs.

  • Fixed Flash Quests not remembering previously selected difficulty.

  • Fixed a few instances of Heroes overlapping on the quest preparation screen.

  • Fixed an issue where Guest Champion coins could be offered as part of Daily Deals.

  • Fixed an issue where facegear would be re-equipped after being removed when editing your Shopkeeper Avatar.

  • Toned down the quality glow on multicrafted items.

  • Fixed the Lost City of Gold boss missing its golden glow.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur after visiting a guild member.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when accessing Advanced Search from pet feeding menu.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the player's Shop counter was blocked.

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