Minor Changes
Added an accessibility option in the settings to dampen all visual effects in game.
Removed the energy sound effects when guildmates dust your shop, as you now get the energy instantly.
Bug Fixes
Fixed Flash Quests appearing as possible bounty tasks.
Fixed Bjorn not using his additional Flash Quest attempt first.
Fixed Heroes and Champions being stuck in “Waiting in Shop” status after a Flash Quest.
Fixed a UI bug preventing players from starting Flash Quests properly.
Fixed upgrade time missing from furniture upgrade menus.
Fixed an issue where the furniture upgrade gem rush button would appear outside of the upgrade menu.
Fixed legendary visual effects having the wrong scale and being too large in game.
Fixed many visual effects being too intense.
Fixed the UFO furniture’s visual effects being dark and opaque.
Fixed the market value of items from the Wayfinder’s Mega Pack.
Fixed the scaling of some texts when hiring Bjorn.
Fixed a display error affecting the energy cost when suggesting items to customers.