New Content
Year of the Dragon Content Pass
This year marks the Year of the Dragon, and the townsfolk are holding a month-long event; the Dance of Dragons! This period will feature a Content Pass themed around dragons beginning on January 23rd and running through February 19th. It features new exciting and exclusive rewards, such as blueprints, decorations, customizations and a very special new pet!
In addition, the very prestigious Great Dragon title will be awarded to all players who manage to finish the entire Year of the Dragon Content Pass!
Month of Full Moon
A special full moon rises over the Dance of Dragons event! We have extended our usual Full Moon fusion period to be active throughout the duration of the Content Pass, meaning a whole month!
For players who have not hired Mundra, this means the entire library of Full Moon Fusions will be available to you! For Mundra owners, you’ll benefit from 25% faster fusion speed instead! It’s the perfect time to fuse tribute for Mundra!
New Pet
Perhaps our most requested pet yet has finally showed up! There’s no better time than the Year of the Dragon to introduce the Dragon pet! This little wyrm can be acquired through the Year of the Dragon Content Pass!
Lunar New Year Login Event
Login every day from Feb 9th to the 15th to claim gems and other prizes! In addition, a giveaway for an exclusive Dragon Statue will be running during that same period!
Lunar New Year Collection
A collection to celebrate the new year which includes decorations, customizations and more will be available on January 23rd and running through February 19th, same as the Content Pass.
Rack Management
We’ve introduced a new option for every rack allowing better fine-tuning over their content. For each rack, you can now disable some (or all) item types from being stocked there. If you’ve always dreamt of a Shelf exclusively stacked to the brim with scrumptious desserts right beside your counter, that dream is now a possibility!
Major Changes
Antique Store Expansion
The Antique Store just got a little bit bigger! It now supports 6 different slots, rather than 4. Here are the rules for each slot:
Slot 1
Contains a random blueprint of tier 7 or higher. For newer players, Blueprints of Tier 7 will be preferred.
Slot 2
Contains a random blueprint of tier 6 or lower.
Slot 3
Contains a random Decoration or Decoration skin.
Slot 4
Contains a random Shopkeeper Customization, Pet or Pet Appearance.
Slot 5
Contains a random Flooring, Wallpaper or Shop Frame (though none exist for the latter).
Slot 6
Royal Merchant only. Can generate antiques from any of the other slots.
Though as always, remember that content must qualify as an antique before it can show up in the Antique store.
Elemental Barrier Redesign
The Elemental Barrier mechanic has been simplified! On the quest preparation screen for quests featuring this mechanic, a new target value will be displayed. If the party’s total Element value of that element is high enough to match or surpass it, the monster’s Barrier will be disabled and full damage will be dealt during the entire battle.
Failing to match the target value, however, will result in the monster boasting its full Barrier for the entire battle, reducing damage taken by 80%.
This change allows us to better display and explain this mechanic while also toning down some RNG elements (such as your Dark Sorcerer getting abruptly deleted on the first round by an unlucky crit).
Since party members can no longer “chip away” at a monster’s Barrier, these target values have been rebalanced across the board. In general, regular Extreme quests will require one Hero of the correct element (assuming proper enchantments). Tougher quests (such as Void, or some Flash Quests) may require support from Element Affinities to reach the required thresholds.
Champion Requests
Champions now also provide full gold value for the items they are requesting, in addition to the Champion Coins. This is an experimental feature.
Obviously from a player perspective, more gold = more better, but given this mechanic’s tight relationship with the market, we’ll be monitoring its impact on the economy before deciding if it will remain or not.
King Schedule
King Reinhold will be available as a Guest Champion on February 5th until the 8th.
Balance Changes
Following the Elemental Barrier changes, Rudo’s leader skill now increases the Elemental Score of his party with no round limit.
Misc. Changes
Various optimizations were performed, particularly involving low-end devices. This is an attempt at solving the increasing amount of crash reports we’ve been receiving lately. More optimizations are expected in the near future.
Bug Fixes
Fixed Champion “rank up stats” disappearing after promoting your Champion with a Champion Titan Soul. This is a visual issue only.
Fixed skills on the skill reroll screen not displaying as their proper rank (e.g. Extra Conditioning instead of Herculean Effort).
Fixed an incredibly rare instance where an inactive guildmaster would not be replaced.
Fixed some issues concerning the post-event gem rush option for rewards. Also better clarified.
Fixed a rare instance where a bounty could initially appear as blank on the Bounty Board after a Bounty Board reset.
Fixed an issue where customers would not be Familiar or Aurasong friendly at the intended rate.
Fixed an issue where switching equipment would remove the applied vanity gear preference on heroes.
Fixed an issue where the alternative reward for a Content Pass premium reward tier would display instead of the correct reward.
Fixed an issue where Pet Skins did not properly display in the Content Pass “Next Reward” tracker.
Returned the stat values of rings and shields back to their original values. This is an extension of previous fixes related to their gold value.