Version 3.4.1 Release Notes

Balance Changes

  • Polonia’s Steal Chance ability now starts with a higher success rate, though still caps out at 50% for skill rank 4.

  • Polonia’s maximum amount of items stolen during a quest now caps at 10 initially, maxing out at 20 with her 4th skill (previously capped at 20 for all skill levels).

  • Dragonator blueprint now asks for 2 Ember Runestones (down from 3). The -1 Ember Runestone milestone upgrade reduces Wood requirements instead.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a major bug causing the game to crash when using the Market in Low Quality mode.

  • Fixed a rare crash involving item enchanting.

  • Fixed quest time not displaying on the quest preparation screen.

  • Fixed Friendship Level notifications showing some order in the wrong words.

  • Fixed Boss cards showing as “complete!” while still in progress.

  • Fixed the missing filters when filling racks from the Market.

  • Fixed city buildings sometimes getting stuck in an infinite upgrade loop.

  • Fixed Royal Merchant customizations getting removed whenever the user logged off.

  • Fixed the Ascension Shard costs for the Lucky Medallion blueprint.

  • Fixed some beards appearing invisible on female characters.

  • Fixed Tier 9 not appearing as a filter option when equipping Heroes from the market.

  • Fixed Tier 9 items appearing when equipping Heroes through the market, despite them being too low level to use them.

  • Fixed the Stygian Phylactery’s unusually high suggest cost.

  • Fixed Runestone blueprints having unusual short crafting times.

  • Fixed a bug allowing players to access the St. Patrick’s Golden Offer by… tapping on the Flashback Offer banner.

  • Fixed the Haunted Castle dropping too valuable items in its easier difficulties. A similar fix was applied to other quest areas.

  • Fixed a few remaining Quest XP boosts that shouldn’t exist.

  • The quest interface will now once again prompt you to select a new Hero when you remove one from the quest preparation.

  • The quest interface will now once again kick you back to the city screen once all your quest slots are full.

Other Changes

We’ve heard your feedback about the Mastered blueprint cards and have decided that we will revert this change. However for the sake of stability and fixing some major bugs as fast as possible, this change will not be part of this hotfix.

The glorious, all-golden cards will return in the next update.