Of Monsters and Cloaks Update
Version 9.0.0 Release Notes

New Content

New Worker - The Summoner

Yolanda the Summoner has settled in town! 

This new premium worker is available for purchase to players starting at level 21. Her exclusive blueprint lines are not to be missed!

Her special worker power is Small Talk+, increasing your chances of a successful small talk by +5%.

New Blueprint Line - Cloaks

Introducing a new accessory blueprint line... the Cloaks! These items increase hero Defense, and are sure to give a dapper look to anyone wearing them.

New Blueprint Line - Familiars

Introducing a new accessory blueprint line, and our most unique blueprints yet.. the Familiars!

Familiars are baby versions of the dungeon bosses you are familiar with. While they initially appear in the form of an egg, they hatch when sold and follow their new owners outside, no doubt to a loving home!

As equipment, Familiars are exclusive to, and are the only equipment available to Champions. They provide major stat bonuses, and will follow them into quests!

(To prevent any… grim accidents, Familiars do not have a break chance.)

Blueprint Elemental Affinities

Doesn’t a water enchantment on the Aurora Springwater feel just right? How about a dark Tsukuyomi? A Sacred Celestial Choir? These pairings seem to be a match made in heaven (pun intended), yet are no more valid than any other elemental pairing.

With this new update, Elemental Affinities have been added to many blueprints, both new and old. Blueprints that have strong thematic ties to a specific element (either through their design, name, or overall flavor) receive a special affinity to it. Enchanting an element matching that affinity will grant various bonuses.

Elements that don’t match the blueprint’s affinity can still be enchanted like before. They simply won’t receive the special benefits.

Blueprint Spirit Affinities

Some blueprints instead have strong thematic ties to the many animals featured among our Spirits, and receive a Spirit Affinity instead. It works the same as the Elemental Affinity explained above, but replaces the element score bonus with a slightly stronger Spirit skill effect.

Worker Statues

12 new worker statues have been added to the Grab Bag’s exclusive collection! Come grab your favorite!

Hero Skills

The 3rd level of gold-tier Hero skills is now available. Thanks to Elemental Affinities, the theoretical maximum elemental score of Heroes is now higher, and these requirements can be met.

Major Changes

Elemental Blueprints

All Elemental Blueprints (blueprints found in chests with a built-in element) also benefit from the Elemental Affinity system described above. Since they are already enchanted with an element matching their Affinity, this translates into free buffs to their value, stats and Element bonus.

** A bug introduced as part of this update made Elemental Blueprints receive massive, unintended bonuses from their affinities. Feel free to make big bucks off of them while we work on fixing it!


Hemma’s leader skill has been modified to be easier to use. Her draining effect now increases her own Attack by a stacking amount (12% at rank 11) regardless of the amount of HP drained from allies. This will afford her greater flexibility in party composition, while also putting greater emphasis on her own stats rather than her allies max HP.

In addition, she also heals a little of her own HP from each drain. The percentage of HP drained from allies also reduces significantly as her rank increases.

Minor Changes

  • Improved the flow around items requiring resources you do not yet have.

  • Seasonal packs will now showcase different content for players below level 55. The T11 blueprint will be replaced by a Chest/Key combo alongside a bundle of components.

  • As part of the above, players can now receive a Flashback (or superior) offer after buying a single piece of a Mega Pack, instead of both.

  • Added a new eye color to match the Toph customization set.

  • Increased the value of gold rewards on the Collection reward tracker. If you’ve claimed these rewards in the past, you will be able to claim them again.

  • Furniture Upgrade offers no longer target furniture in your storage (Basement is still ok).

  • Content Pass tasks with big number requirements are now abbreviated (e.g 100k instead of 100,000).

  • The progression tab of pets with no skins options (e.g Momo) is now disabled.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing the “Can be donated” notice on item descriptions in the Fortune Zone to be inaccurate.

  • Fixed missing “Craft” button for some missing requirements (Moonstones and Runestones).

  • Fixed guild members with 0 trophies not appearing on the contributor list. Slackers shall be exposed.

  • Fixed a missing icon for Gold element blueprints.

  • Fixed a few instances of missing translations.

  • Fixed erroneous error message appearing if attempting to craft an item requiring a locked component with a full craft queue.

  • Fixed bug allowing players to access higher tier items than intended on the market.

  • Fixed a bug sometimes preventing the King’s Caprice leaderboard from scrolling.

  • Fixed further cases of Antique Store rewards being shown multiple times per event.

  • Fixed some inconsistencies with Sia’s appearance shown on her Rank Up screen.

  • Added missing Gold element filter to the market.

  • Fixed an instance of shop frames becoming invisible after existing the design menu.

  • Fixed a rare crash involving users attempting to hire a premium worker before they were available.

  • Fixed Content Pass tasks sometimes showing an inaccurate amount of tiers left.

  • Fixed Content Pass UI badge showing “Content Pass” rather than time remaining for the event.

  • “Perform Fusion” Content Pass tasks now gain progress when claiming fusions, rather than starting them.

  • Fixed an issue preventing players from fulfilling a guild request if they are currently making a similar request themselves.

  • Fixed some wonky wand animation on Heroes.

  • Fixed further instances of players being stuck at Tier 1 Wands/Guns/Crossbows.

  • Fixed the special icon of Guest Champions hiding their Heal button.

  • Destroying an Enchantment while browsing your Inventory in the Market will no longer return you to the main Market menu.

  • Fixed animations for various weapons when sending heroes on a quest. 

  • Fixed Aang's Air Glider animation playing on Player Profile when the accessory is not equipped.

  • Fixed display issue with Lost City of Gold's Personal Contribution menu displaying reward as Pure Gold.

  • Fixed erroneous timer appearing instead of decoration's cost when purchasing duplicate Royal Merchant decorations.

  • Fixed some floor decorations such as rugs/carpets missing their descriptions in the Antique Store.

  • Fixed Champion Coin progress bar only appearing on Avatar: The Last Airbender Guest Champions.

  • On Steam, fixed the arrow button for the event HUD being displayed lower than intended on some resolutions.

  • Fixed a bug causing the Guest Champion icon to appear on other characters (such as Heroes) on some menus.