Bug Fixes
Fixed multiple item sorting issues within the Dragon Invasion event.
Fixed a Dragon Invasion gem rush bug preventing players from rushing personal contributions.
Fixed inaccurate clickboxes on the “Show Locked Item” option for Dragon Invasion.
Fixed a Dragon Invasion issue where sales for Troops would visually grant double the usual value. As the issue was purely visual, this extra gold could not be spent and would be corrected on a screen change.
Fixed Dragon Invasion displaying a notification for unclaimed Royal Merchant rewards, even for players who are not Royal Merchants.
Fixed a rare Dragon Invasion crash for guilds with 0 contributions across the whole event.
Fixed the progress bar not animating properly when gem rushing the Dragon Invasion event.
Fixed an issue where characters on the Airship would sometimes be considered as “Resting” and prevent character healing.
Improved the sorting of the Character list for Dragon Invasion.
Fixed visual effects for Retro Raygun avatar customization.
Fixed an issue where an infinite number of menus could be opened when pressing on an empty Booster slot in Dragon Invasion.
Fixed Compass boosters showing an inaccurate description (Bronze Compasses also now reduce quest time by 25%, from 20%).
Fixed Familiar Ascension Milestones.