Version 2.1.0 Release Notes

New Features

Introducing the New Champion, Rudo!

This hulking beast of a man is itching for a fight! Rudo the Berserker prefers to keep battles fast and bloody; his powerful leader skill is only active for a few rounds! His party members can expect to benefit from a massive bonus to Critical Hit Chance and reduction to Break Chance during the first round of combat. Upgrading his leader skill will result in a longer activation period and stronger effects, eventually guaranteeing that items won’t break for a few rounds.

Introducing the Daily Piggy Bank!

Welcome every new day with the tinkle of coins! Every day upon login, you’ll receive a special item called a Piggy Bank. Feed your new porcine porcelain friend with gold earned from sales, and you’ll get to smash it to pieces to claim a special reward! A sudden, but inevitable betrayal.

Even better, every 7th Piggy will be a golden one. Those are guaranteed to contain good stuff!

Major Changes

Improved Enchantment Flow

For the industrious runesmiths out there, it is now possible to enchant large amounts of items more rapidly. You can choose to enchant things by selecting an enchantment, rather than an item. You will then be presented with a list of potential host items (ignoring those already bearing a rune in the same slot). If you’ve got a bunch of enchantments but don’t really care what it ends up on, it’s much more efficient!

Enchanting Quality Items

It is now possible to use enchantments of a lower quality than the target item… if you’re willing to risk it. Any enchantment quality can make an attempt at enchanting a quality item, with varying odds of success depending on the quality difference. For example, a common Wolf spirit could theoretically be applied to a Legendary Gladiator Helm, though you’d be looking at a measly 2% chance of success. An Epic Wolf Spirit on the same item would be more feasible, with a steady 33% chance of success.

Failure comes at a cost though. A failed enchantment will destroy the element or spirit, but the item will remain intact.

Classes, Skills & Elements

We’ve changed how elements and skills interact. Until now, element requirements were tied to skills, which made hunting for matching ones a painful experience. We’ve also seen how easy and fun sorcerers were to gear up and optimize, thanks to their vast array of powerful dark skills.

As of this patch, all Hero classes will now be tied to a single element. Every skill learned by that Hero will match the element. So while Toughness would require 20 Earth on a Soldier, the very same skill will instead require 20 Dark on a Sorcerer. It just works!

As part of this update only, every element equipped by a hero will be transformed to match that Hero’s element. This happens only once.

Market Refactor

We’ve given a significant overhaul to the look and feel of the Market. It should now be more intuitive, pleasant, and efficient to use. We also have more changes planned that will come in future updates. Quality requesting coming in future update.

Other Changes

  • The player profile menu has been updated. Now includes the oft requested player XP bar!

  • It is now possible to access the Hero creation screen even if all your Hero slots are full. Useful for planning the next addition to your roster.

  • Customers will no longer leave the shop if the counter is moved.

Balance Changes

  • Various (and sizeable) buffs to Champion stats.

  • General increase to progression speed from Tier 3 to Tier 5. New blueprints should unlock slightly faster.

  • Dungeon locations have a slightly lowered player level requirement to unlock.

  • Made a few furniture upgrades cheaper to purchase in gold, generally in the level 6-9 range.

  • Chests odds and rewards have been tweaked. Odds are now consistent across all chests, but fancier chests will yield bigger rewards.

  • The Ancient chest now costs 250 gems to open, down from 300.

  • Players will now be limited to 1 booster per quest.

  • To make up for the above, most boosters have been made significantly more effective.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed “Complete” on Academy building not being dismissable if you do not own the Scholar but participated in the Scholar trial

  • Fixed receiving tasks for Wands if you do not own the Scholar but participated in the Scholar trial

  • Fixed investment increments for Academy building

  • Fixed red "!" notification persisting on Loot button after opening all chests

  • Fixed chest bought from market while in Loot screen not displaying until closing and re-opening screen

  • Fixed "Heroes Rested" notification not being triggered

  • Fixed an issue where some players were unable to view guild rankings (Blueprints, Helper, etc.)

  • Fixed issue where lock button on item card would not update immediately after locking an item through item details screen

  • Fixed Legionnaire Sandals not contributing towards achievements

  • Fixed "+25% Surcharge Sale Price" event increasing "Pay More" price on customers

Since this release, we have deployed a hotfix update to fix some issues introduced, read the release notes here.