Version 3.4.0 Release Notes

New Features

Tier 9 Content

The Tyrant King sits upon his throne and looks down upon the world. Are there any worthy heroes capable of taking him down and looting the valuable components he keeps?

This new tier of content includes cool new additions for every category such as the Dragonator gun, the Drakeskin Mask rogue hat, and the Grimoire Aeternum spell! You can also expect a new quest, its components and the chest and keys that go alongside it. Six new Elemental Blueprints are also available in the Forsaken Chest!

Major Changes

Streamlined Questing

Starting with this update, we will be making a series of tweaks, changes and optimizations to improve the game’s overall performance, as well as compatibility with older devices.

As part of these changes, the quest world map has been replaced with a menu interface reminiscent of the crafting flow already in the game. One major benefit of this change is a drastic reduction in loading times; quests can now be launched directly from the city!

We also took this opportunity to revamp and improve large chunks of the quest interface in general.

Flashback Offers

Due to popular demand, we will be bringing back Flashback offers featuring old content packs. Players who purchase a premium seasonal pack quickly will be offered a selection of past packs they’ve missed.

Not all premium packages will be part of the initial rollout, but may be re-introduced at a later date.

Other Changes

  • The Champion skill UI has been significantly improved.

  • Dusting your friend’s shop now rewards you with guild coins!

  • Added a new guild ranking for bounties completed.

  • It is now possible to fill racks through the market.

  • It is now possible to recycle Runestones, like other craftable items.

  • A few new permanent, non-seasonal decorations have been added. They are exclusively available for gold.

  • Clarified the Geomancer’s innate skill effect (now reads : +1% Attack per point in any Element).

  • Clarified the Spellblade’s innate skill effect (now reads : +X% bonus stats from all equipment). This also applies to similar skills such as Maintenance.

  • Various performance improvements for iPhone 6 & 7 users.

  • Due to the quest changes, it is now possible to run a specific difficulty of the Lost City of Gold even while a Keybearer boss is sitting on it.

Balance Changes

  • Overhauled the Defense formula. It should now be more rewarding at higher values, and more punishing at low values.

  • Increased the contribution to Power provided by HP and Defense when coupled with a high Threat rating.

  • Increased the odds of finding Exclusive Blueprints in the Ancient and Timeworn chests.

  • Significantly rebalanced quest levels and quest XP. All quests will now automatically level up every 3 quests.

  • In the same vein, effects that used to grant bonus Quest XP will no longer do so.

  • Sia’s “Valuable item find” ability has been moved over to Polonia. In exchange, Sia now grants a small attack bonus to the party in addition to her component gathering.

  • Increased the quantity of components found through tertiary means (such as the piggy bank).

  • Decreased the Fortune Zone’s Jackpot reward, but greatly increased its odds.

  • Better balanced the odds for keys in many places, such as the Fortune Zone and Piggy Bank. Keys relevant for your level will be more likely to show up.

  • Tasks and bounties that require customer interactions (Suggest, discount and surcharge) now only track progress upon a sale.

  • The Critical Damage Bonus on the Hex, Disintegrate and Sonic Thrust skills has been lowered.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing the Ascension Milestone’s “Reduced Surcharge Cost” upgrade to not apply to blueprints the player does not own.

  • Fixed a bug where the Ascension Milestone score total for Runestones didn’t add up correctly.

  • Fixed further issues causing an item’s icon to not display properly after being sold on the market.

  • Fixed a bug causing Critical hit Chance to provide a greater contribution to Power than intended. Thanks to the community for finding that out.

  • Fixed the Timeworn Key missing from a few drop tables (like the Fortune Store and piggy bank).

  • Fixed a bug where Royal Merchant customizations were not properly removed after terminating the subscription.

  • Fixed a terrifying bug where Polonia would go invisible while in the shop’s edit mode... but not her teeth.

  • Fixed the Huggable Koala decoration being worth 0 prestige and granting no energy upon inspection.

  • Fixed Maya’s gift box remaining visible while in the shop’s edit mode.

  • Fixed an issue causing max level workers to not display their effect correctly.

  • Finally fixed superior quality enchantments having the wrong initial rotation on the superior quality celebration screen.

  • Fixed friendly shopkeepers not appearing properly lit when walking outside at night.

  • Fixed the Berserker’s meaty skill description overflowing outside of its box.