Version 9.0.2 Release Notes

Major Changes

Quest Outlook Refactor

Before launching a quest, Heroes and Champions display a smiley face icon denoting their confidence towards this quest. In general, this served as a handy reference, but its accuracy tended to taper off towards tougher quests combined with complex Heroes.

We’ve reworked this system entirely, instead opting to run multiple battle simulations in the background with the currently selected party. Each party member’s icon will change depending on how many times they were defeated in these simulations. Freak results can still happen (e.g a monster with 1% crit chance can theoretically crit every round) but it should be much more reliable.

Minor Changes

  • An extra warning may now be displayed when dismissing broken items. If any such items are of Epic or Legendary quality OR Flawless with an enchantment, the game will require an extra input from the player, to ensure they truly wish to do so.

  • Offers and events will now trigger even if the NPC involved is already in your shop.

  • Improved the flow surrounding furniture in the basement. It no longer kicks you out of the menu after taking furniture in or out.

  • The market window will now display a notification leading to new guild requests.

  • The guild event chat tab will no longer generate red notifications.

  • Chests obtained from quests that would overflow their inventory capacity will automatically be sold for gold, much like components.

  • King sales will now be broadcasted to the player’s guild. The good and the bad.

  • It is now possible to view a blueprint’s details from the Content Pass reward track.

  • Content Pass completion popups now display the task’s name rather than it’s requirements.

  • Looking at an item’s different qualities in the Collection Book will also update the item’s stats to match.

  • The player’s “Help” stat will now also count other actions, such as sending gifts, cleaning up a shop, and fulfilling guild requests.

  • Added a new celebration screen when unlocking a new city building.

  • Champions will no longer start showing up early if you earn some of their coins before meeting their level requirement.

  • Some customers will now accept Familiar suggestions, even if they did not initially ask for one.

  • Worker visitors will no longer come to sell you items they cannot craft. Any item will need to be crafted at least once to be eligible.

  • Displayed blueprint stats for Elemental items now innately include bonuses from their elemental affinity.

  • Affinity tags are now hidden for players who have not yet unlocked enchantments.

  • Brought back the “Last online date” on the player profile by popular request.

Balance Changes

  • Quests that last only one round will no longer incur a break chance for Heroes.

  • Increased Moonstone drop quantities in quests and chests. They are now equal to Runestones.

  • Buffed skill odds for early classes. All classes now have the same odds for skill rolls (except for the Mercenary, who still benefits from superior odds).

  • Artificially decreased the odds for Familiars and Cloaks to show up as Caprices during the King’s Caprice event while we fix an underlying caprice generation issue.

  • Tier 2 Resource buildings now require their parent building at level 6 as an unlock requirement (from 7).

  • Reduced tick requirements for a few of the earlier levels of Tier 1 resource buildings. Alongside the above, this is meant to make Tier 2 resources easier to unlock for players.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing the “New!” tag to remain stuck on blueprints if they were ascended immediately.

  • Fixed a hotkey issue involving quickly opening the hamburger menu while using small talk on a customer.

  • Fixed the description of the Sultan Dagger.

  • Fixed missing Fusion categories for players who do not own premium workers.

  • Fixed another instance of bypassing market level restrictions.

  • Fixed missing crafting hook for moonstones and runestones.

  • Fixed cloak and familiar categories in the collection book for players who do not own Yolanda.

  • Fixed an issue causing the market to reject postings of Elemental Blueprints if their price was too high.

  • Fixed further cases of racks and bins having a mismatched appearance and level.

  • Fixed Elemental Blueprints having lower stats than intended.

  • Fixed reward icon when inspecting a reward in the LCOG reward track.

  • Fixed an occasional crash related to guild requests.