High Spirits Update
Version 9.5.0 Release Notes

New Content

T12 Enchantments

Torrential rains and hurricane winds herald the coming of even more powerful elemental forces… Tier 12 enchantments are here! Boasting a value of 1 million each, they require a Perfect Runestone to craft, though neither spirits nor elements require sigils to craft. It’s the perfect addition for your top Heroes or big ticket items!

Breaking the pattern for Elements, this new set of bad boys grants a +25 bonus to their respective element, with an additional +10 when matching an Affinity. On the spirit side, you can expect improved versions of a few favorites, such as the Phoenix Spirit granting both HP regen and bonus HP in one convenient, immortal package.

Cinco de Mayo Content Pass

Get ready for the Fifth of May happening on… the third of May! It’s close enough!

This new Content Pass Season features a bunch of new content and will run over 4 weeks, with a new set of tasks to match. Be there, Mr. Palta is expecting you! 

Major Unchanges

Tower of Titans Epsilon

Following the launch of Epsilon Tower, it became apparent that it was plenty difficult already! As a result, we have decided not to include Elemental Barriers for the time being. In addition, we’ve also toned down the Monster Modifiers back to standard (e.g early monsters only have one mod).

Minor Changes

  • Added sorting options to the Suggest menu, including Energy+ and Energy-.

  • Santa’s Helper Coiffe (hat customization) now has green as a base color instead of white.

  • Added a short intro animation to all boss monsters.

  • Replaced Chiseled Stones and Greater Moonstone rewards in Ascension Milestones with their new Tier 12 counterparts.

Balance Changes

  • Some fusions (particularly T12 fusions) now require Perfect Moonstones instead of Greater Moonstones

  • Some blueprints now feature two affinities (both an element and a spirit).  Namely, all LCOG items now also have either Xolotl or Quetzalcoatl as a spirit affinity, depending on their tier.

  • Elemental Blueprints from the Molten Chest are now enchanted with Tier 12 Elements.

  • Added relevant elemental affinities to all Avatar: The Last Airbender blueprints that did not have one.

  • LCOG items of Tier 11 and higher no longer require sigils to craft. This requirement has been replaced with standard components.

  • The Opulent Staff’s 2nd ascension milestone has been replaced with an Opulent Jewel reduction

  • T12 elements enchanted on items with a matching affinity will grant +10 to their element instead of +5.

  • Champion Elements now scale higher with ranks (up to 125 at rank 11+9)

  • True Sigils now require 2 Greater Moonstones to fuse (down from 4)

  • Regular old sigils now require 2 Superior Moonstones (replacing 2 Greater Moonstones)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed major crash on startup for some Android devices.

  • Fixed missing miniboss titles (e.g Legendary, Wealthy, etc).

  • Fixed monster names (Tower of Titans and Minibosses) not displaying properly during quests.

  • Removed Bear affinity from Gladiator Helm and properly assigned it to the Kodiak Helmet.

  • Fixed a few instances of returning players freezing upon login.

  • Berserkers no longer play their VFX after falling in combat.

  • Fixed Cinderlake’s Extreme Boss taking slightly less time than intended.

  • Removed some stray Tier 9 item drops from Cinderlake Hard, Extreme and its bosses.

  • Fixed missing cloaks from some market screens.

  • Fixed a disconnect related to automatic Royal Merchant renewal.

  • Fixed further instances of Market windows closing after purchases.

  • Changed one of the Cloak’s “Increased Surcharge Value for All Items” ascension milestones (it had two!?) to the intended Uncommon Resource Reduction.

  • Traded the Resource Regeneration Speed Ascension Milestone Upgrade between Helmets and Magician Hats (now Steel and Mana respectively).

  • Fixed inaccurate Quest Outlook face results when switching difficulties.

  • Fixed a display issue with the Pet XP bar after feeding a max level Pet.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to use the "Heal All" button in the quest setup menu.

  • Fixed slow scrolling when using the mouse wheel in various menus.

  • Fixed an issue where the Elemental Barrier bar would remain displayed after being broken in quest battles.

  • Fixed the Fortune Zone prize menu closing unintentionally after rerolling. 

  • Fixed claimable Royal Merchant rewards in Ascension Track not being highlighted green.

  • Fixed an occasional crash when unequipping items from Heroes.

  • Fixed some small visual glitches on the Elemental Barrier bar.

Coming up Next

We’ve received feedback that Samurai are made obsolete by Elemental Barriers. In our next update, we will allow the Samurai’s first attack to ignore this damage reduction.