We answer some of your most frequently asked questions about our upcoming Steam launch.
When is the game launching on Steam?
The game is expected to fully launch on Steam on May 5th.
When is the Beta expected to start?
With the release date coming soon we are hoping to start the beta this week, hopefully as soon as Tuesday! Once we are ready to start, we will send emails to those who have registered through the in-game mail!
Can I use the same account I currently use on mobile on Steam?
Yes! All progress can be easily transferred over from one platform to the other by linking your accounts. Once that is done you can easily play on both platforms whenever you want. Note that logging in to the Steam client will log you out of your current mobile session and vice versa.
How to transfer your account to another platform.
Will my in-app purchases transfer over?
Absolutely! Any purchase or progress made on your original account will follow once you link that account to Steam.
Are the servers shared between mobile and Steam?
Yes. All players will be playing on the same servers.
Will the Steam version have any exclusive or unique features?
While we want gameplay and events to be the same on all platforms (with the exceptions of ads which will be unavailable on Steam), we made some changes so that it feels more natural while playing on PC. Steam players will have the option to scale the UI to be much smaller, enable higher quality graphics and make use of hotkeys for many of the common actions (such as Tab to switch between Shop and City).
There are currently no plans for content or offers exclusive to the Steam version.
Is Mac and/or Linux support coming or planned?
There are currently no plans to support these platforms in the short term.
What languages will be supported on Steam?
All of our currently supported languages on the mobile version will be fully supported at launch.
Will the game support achievements and/or Steam trading cards?
Trading Cards (accompanied by badges, emotes and profile backgrounds) will be available at launch. Achievements are also planned but might come at a later date.
- When is the game launching on Steam?
- When is the Beta expected to start?
- Can I use the same account I currently use on mobile on Steam?
- Will my in-app purchases transfer over?
- Are the servers shared between mobile and Steam?
- Will the Steam version have any exclusive or unique features?
- Is Mac and/or Linux support coming or planned?
- What languages will be supported on Steam?
- Will the game support achievements and/or Steam trading cards?