Special Items
Champion Coin
Argon Coin
Champion Coin
Fierce determination minted into a coin. Collect them to empower Argon.
Lilu Coin
Champion Coin
Boundless curiosity minted into a coin. Collect them to empower Lilu.
Sia Coin
Champion Coin
An air of mystery minted into a coin. Collect them to empower Sia.
Yami Coin
Champion Coin
Cold vengeance minted into a coin. Collect them to empower Yami.
Rudo Coin
Champion Coin
Ruthless savagery minted into a coin. Collect them to empower Rudo.
Polonia Coin
Champion Coin
A lust for adventure minted into a coin. Collect them to empower Polonia.
Donovan Coin
Champion Coin
Timeless knowledge minted into a coin. Collect them to empower Donovan.
Hemma Coin
Champion Coin
Unbound power minted into a coin. Collect them to empower Hemma.
Ashley Coin
Champion Coin
Unshakable will minted into a coin. Collect them to empower Ashley.
Bjorn Coin
Champion Coin
An unbreakable bond minted into a coin. Collect them to empower Bjorn.
Aang Coin
Champion Coin
The power of all four elements minted into a coin. Collect them to empower the Guest Champion Aang.
Sokka Coin
Champion Coin
Sarcasm and ingenuity bound minted into a coin. Collect them to empower the Guest Champion Sokka.
Tamas Coin
Champion Coin
Raw Tamas minted into a coin. Collect them to empower the Guest Champion Tamas.
Reinhold Coin
Champion Coin
Unmitigated majesty minted into a coin. Collect them to empower the Guest Champion Reinhold.